Node v8.0.0 (Current)

By James M Snell, Colin Ihrig,

The next major release of Node.js brings a range of significant changes and additions, far too many for us to cover adequately in a blog post such as this. This article contains a summary of the most significant changes and features.

Say hello to npm version 5.0.0

npm, Inc. recently announced the release of version 5.0.0 of the npm client and we are happy to include this significant new version within Node.js 8.0.0.

Say hello to V8 5.8

Node.js 8.0.0 ships with V8 5.8, a significant update to the JavaScript runtime that includes major improvements in performance and developer facing APIs. Most significant for Node.js developers is the fact that V8 5.8 is guaranteed to have forwards ABI compatibility with V8 5.9 and the upcoming V8 6.0, which will help to ensure stability of the Node.js native addon ecosystem. During Node.js 8's lifetime, we plan to move to 5.9 and possibly even 6.0.

The V8 5.8 engine also helps set up a pending transition to the new TurboFan + Ignition compiler pipeline, which promises to provide significant new performance optimizations for all Node.js applications. Although they have existed in previous versions of V8, TurboFan and Ignition will be enabled by default for the first time in V8 5.9. The new compiler pipeline represents such a significant change that the Node.js Core Technical Committee (CTC) chose to postpone the Node.js 8 release, originally scheduled for April, in order to better accommodate it.

Say hello to the Node.js API (N-API)

For Node.js developers who use or create native addons, the new experimental Node.js API (N-API) is a significant advancement over the existing Native Abstractions for Node.js (nan) that will allow native addons to be compiled once on a system and used across multiple versions of Node.js.

By providing a new virtual machine agnostic Application Binary Interface (ABI), it becomes possible for native addons to work not only against multiple versions of the V8 JavaScript runtime, but Microsoft's Chakra-Core runtime as well.

The N-API is experimental in Node.js 8.0.0, so significant changes in the implementation and API should be expected. Native addon developers are encouraged to begin working with the API as soon as possible and to provide feedback that will be necessary to ensure that the new API meets the needs of the ecosystem.

Say hello to async_hooks

The experimental async_hooks module (formerly async_wrap) has received a major upgrade in 8.0.0. This diagnostics API allows developers a means of monitoring the operation of the Node.js event loop, tracking asynchronous requests and handles through their complete lifecycle. Complete documentation for the new module is still incomplete and users should take great care when using the experimental new module.

Say hello to the WHATWG URL parser

An experimental URL API implemented around the WHATWG URL Standard was added to Node.js 7.x last year and has been under active development ever since. We are excited to announce that as of 8.0.0, the new URL implementation is now a fully supported, non-experimental API within Node.js. An example usage is shown below, with more details available in the official documentation.

const URL = require('url').URL;
const myUrl = new URL('/a/path', '');

This new URL implementation is most significant in that it matches the URL implementation and API available in modern Web Browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari, allowing code using URLs to be shared across environments.

Buffer changes

A number of important changes have been made to the Buffer API within Node.js. Most significant is the fact that calling the deprecated Buffer(num) constructor (with or without the new keyword) will return a zero-filled Buffer instance. Prior versions of Node.js would return uninitialized memory, which could contain potentially sensitive data.

In Node.js 6.0.0, a new set of Buffer construction methods were introduced as an alternative to calling the Buffer(num) constructor in order to address a number of security and usability concerns. The existing constructor, however, is used extensively throughout the Node.js ecosystem, making it infeasible for us to fully deprecate or disable it without causing significant breakage.

Zero-filling new instances of Buffer(num) by default will have a significant impact on performance. Developers should move to the new Buffer.allocUnsafe(num) API if they wish to allocate Buffer instances with uninitialized memory. Examples of zero-filled and uninitialized Buffer creation in Node.js 8 are shown below.

// Zero-filled Buffers
const safeBuffer1 = Buffer.alloc(10);
const safeBuffer2 = new Buffer(10);
// Uninitialized Buffer
const unsafeBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(10);

Note that while there are no current plans to remove the Buffer(num) constructor from Node.js, its continued use is deprecated.

Pending Deprecations

To make it easier to catch uses of Buffer(num) within an application at development time or within CI testing environments, a new --pending-deprecation command-line flag and matching NODE_PENDING_DEPRECATION=1 environment variable have been added that will cause Node.js to emit DeprecationWarning process warnings when Buffer(num) (and other potential pending deprecations) are used. These are off by default in order to keep such deprecations from impacting production applications. An example which enables pending deprecations is shown below.

$ ./node --pending-deprecation
> Buffer(num)
<Buffer 00>
> (node:2896) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: The Buffer() and new Buffer() constructors are not recommended for use due to security and usability concerns. Please use the new Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() construction methods instead.

Improved support for Promises

Node.js 8.0.0 includes a new util.promisify() API that allows standard Node.js callback style APIs to be wrapped in a function that returns a Promise. An example use of util.promisify() is shown below.

const fs = require('fs');
const util = require('util');
const readfile = util.promisify(fs.readFile);
  .then(data => {
    /** ... **/
  .catch(err => {
    /** ... **/

Console changes

console.log(), console.error() and other methods available through the console module in Node.js allow application output to be directed either to stdout, stderr or pipes. Previously, errors that occurred while attempting to write console output to the underlying stream would cause the Node.js application to crash. Starting with 8.0.0 such errors will be silently ignored, making use of console.log() and the other APIs safer. It will be possible to maintain legacy behavior related to errors via an ignoreErrors option passed to the Console constructor.

Static Error Codes

We have started the process of assigning static error codes to all errors generated by Node.js. While it will take some time for every error to be assigned a code, a handful have been updated within 8.0.0. These error codes are guaranteed not to change even if the error type or message changes.

Codes are manifest to the user in two ways:

  • Using the code property on Error object instances
  • Printing the [ERR_CODE] in the stack trace of an Error

For instance, calling assert(false) will generate the following AssertionError:

> assert(false)
AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: false == true
    at repl:1:1
    at ContextifyScript.Script.runInThisContext (vm.js:44:33)
    at REPLServer.defaultEval (repl.js:239:29)
    at bound (domain.js:301:14)
    at REPLServer.runBound [as eval] (domain.js:314:12)
    at REPLServer.onLine (repl.js:433:10)
    at emitOne (events.js:120:20)
    at REPLServer.emit (events.js:210:7)
    at REPLServer.Interface._onLine (readline.js:278:10)
    at REPLServer.Interface._line (readline.js:625:8)

Information for static error codes can be queried quickly by referencing the Node.js documentation. For instance, the URL to lookup information about the ERR_ARG_NOT_ITERABLE error code is

Redirecting Process Warnings

Processing warnings such as deprecations may now be redirected to a file by using either the --redirect-warnings={file} command line argument or matching NODE_REDIRECT_WARNINGS={file} environment variable. Rather than printing warnings out to stderr by default, warnings will be written out to the specified file, allowing those to be analyzed separately from an application's primary output.

Stream API improvements

For users of the Stream API, new standard mechanisms for destroying and finalizing Stream instances have been added. Every Stream instance will now inherit a destroy() method, the implementation of which can be customized and extended by providing a custom implementation of the _destroy() method.

Debugger changes

The legacy command line debugger is being removed in Node.js 8. As a command line replacement, node-inspect has been integrated directly into the Node.js runtime. Additionally, the V8 Inspector debugger, which arrived previously as an experimental feature in Node.js 6, is being upgraded to a fully supported feature.

Experimental inspector JavaScript API

A new experimental JavaScript API for the Inspector protocol has been introduced enabling developers new ways of leveraging the debug protocol to inspect running Node.js processes.

const inspector = require('inspector');
const session = new inspector.Session();
// Listen for inspector events
session.on('inspectorNotification', message => {
  /** ... **/
// Send messages to the inspector;

Note that the inspector API is experimental and may change significantly.

Long Term Support

Node.js 8 is the next release line to enter Long Term Support (LTS). This is scheduled to happen in October 2017. Once Node.js 8 transitions to LTS, it will receive the code name Carbon.

Node.js Long Term Support Schedule

Note that, when referring to Node.js release versions, we have dropped the "v" in Node.js 8. Previous versions were commonly referred to as v0.10, v0.12, v4, v6, etc. In order to avoid confusion with V8, the underlying JavaScript engine, we've dropped the "v" and call it Node.js 8.

Notable Changes

  • Async Hooks

  • Buffer

    • Using the --pending-deprecation flag will cause Node.js to emit a deprecation warning when using new Buffer(num) or Buffer(num). [d2d32ea5a2] #11968.
    • new Buffer(num) and Buffer(num) will zero-fill new Buffer instances [7eb1b4658e] #12141.
    • Many Buffer methods now accept Uint8Array as input [beca3244e2] #10236.
  • Child Process

  • Console

    • Error events emitted when using console methods are now supressed. [f18e08d820] #9744.
  • Dependencies

  • Domains

  • Errors

    • We have started assigning static error codes to errors generated by Node.js. This has been done through multiple commits and is still a work in progress.
  • File System

    • The utility class fs.SyncWriteStream has been deprecated [7a55e34ef4] #10467.
    • The deprecated string interface has been removed [3c2a9361ff] #9683.
  • HTTP

    • Improved support for userland implemented Agents [90403dd1d0] #11567.
    • Outgoing Cookie headers are concatenated into a single string [d3480776c7] #11259.
    • The httpResponse.writeHeader() method has been deprecated [fb71ba4921] #11355.
    • New methods for accessing HTTP headers have been added to OutgoingMessage [3e6f1032a4] #10805.
  • Lib

  • N-API

    • Experimental support for the new N-API API has been added [56e881d0b0] #11975.
  • Process

    • Process warning output can be redirected to a file using the --redirect-warnings command-line argument [03e89b3ff2] #10116.
    • Process warnings may now include additional detail [dd20e68b0f] #12725.
  • REPL

  • Src

    • NODE_MODULE_VERSION has been updated to 57 [ec7cbaf266] #12995.
    • Add --pending-deprecation command-line argument and NODE_PENDING_DEPRECATION environment variable [a16b570f8c] #11968.
    • The --debug command-line argument has been deprecated. Note that using --debug will enable the new Inspector-based debug protocol as the legacy Debugger protocol previously used by Node.js has been removed. [010f864426] #12949.
    • Throw when the -c and -e command-line arguments are used at the same time [a5f91ab230] #11689.
    • Throw when the --use-bundled-ca and --use-openssl-ca command-line arguments are used at the same time. [8a7db9d4b5] #12087.
  • Stream

  • TLS

    • The rejectUnauthorized option now defaults to true [348cc80a3c] #5923.
    • The tls.createSecurePair() API now emits a runtime deprecation [a2ae08999b] #11349.
    • A runtime deprecation will now be emitted when dhparam is less than 2048 bits [d523eb9c40] #11447.
  • URL

    • The WHATWG URL implementation is now a fully-supported Node.js API [d080ead0f9] #12710.
  • Util

  • Zlib


Semver-Major Commits

  • [e48d58b8b2] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) assert: fix AssertionError, assign error code (James M Snell) #12651
  • [758b8b6e5d] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) assert: improve API (Rich Trott) #12293
  • [6481c93aef] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) assert: add support for Map and Set in deepEqual (Joseph Gentle) #12142
  • [efec14a7d1] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) assert: enforce type check in deepStrictEqual (Joyee Cheung) #10282
  • [562cf5a81c] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) assert: fix premature deep strict comparison (Joyee Cheung) #11128
  • [0af41834f1] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) assert: fix misformatted error message (Rich Trott) #11254
  • [190dc69c89] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) benchmark: add parameter for module benchmark (Brian White) #10789
  • [b888bfe81d] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) benchmark: allow zero when parsing http req/s (Brian White) #10558
  • [f53a6fb48b] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) benchmark: add http header setting scenarios (Brian White) #10558
  • [d2d32ea5a2] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) buffer: add pending deprecation warning (James M Snell) #11968
  • [7eb1b4658e] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) buffer: zero fill Buffer(num) by default (James M Snell) #12141
  • [682573c11d] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) buffer: remove error for malformatted hex string (Rich Trott) #12012
  • [9a0829d728] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) buffer: stricter argument checking in toString (Nikolai Vavilov) #11120
  • [beca3244e2] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) buffer: allow Uint8Array input to methods (Anna Henningsen) #10236
  • [3d353c749c] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) buffer: consistent error for length > kMaxLength (Joyee Cheung) #10152
  • [bf5c309b5e] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) build: fix V8 build on FreeBSD (Michaël Zasso) #12784
  • [a1028d5e3e] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) build: remove cares headers from tarball (Gibson Fahnestock) #10283
  • [d08836003c] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) build: build an x64 build by default on Windows (Nikolai Vavilov) #11537
  • [92ed1ab450] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) build: change nosign flag to sign and flips logic (Joe Doyle) #10156
  • [97a77288ce] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) child_process: improve ChildProcess validation (cjihrig) #12348
  • [a9111f9738] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) child_process: minor cleanup of internals (cjihrig) #12348
  • [d75fdd96aa] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) child_process: improve killSignal validations (Sakthipriyan Vairamani (thefourtheye)) #10423
  • [4cafa60c99] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) child_process: align fork/spawn stdio error msg (Sam Roberts) #11044
  • [3268863ebc] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) child_process: add string shortcut for fork stdio (Javis Sullivan) #10866
  • [8f3ff98f0e] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) child_process: allow Infinity as maxBuffer value (cjihrig) #10769
  • [627ecee9ed] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) child_process: support Uint8Array input to methods (Anna Henningsen) #10653
  • [fc7b0dda85] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) child_process: improve input validation (cjihrig) #8312
  • [49d1c366d8] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) child_process: remove extra newline in errors (cjihrig) #9343
  • [f18e08d820] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) console: do not emit error events (Anna Henningsen) #9744
  • [a8f460f12d] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) crypto: support all ArrayBufferView types (Timothy Gu) #12223
  • [0db49fef41] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) crypto: support Uint8Array prime in createDH (Anna Henningsen) #11983
  • [443691a5ae] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) crypto: fix default encoding of LazyTransform (Lukas Möller) #8611
  • [9f74184e98] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) crypto: upgrade pbkdf2 without digest to an error (James M Snell) #11305
  • [e90f38270c] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) crypto: throw error in CipherBase::SetAutoPadding (Kirill Fomichev) #9405
  • [1ef401ce92] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) crypto: use check macros in CipherBase::SetAuthTag (Kirill Fomichev) #9395
  • [7599b0ef9d] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) debug: activate inspector with _debugProcess (Eugene Ostroukhov) #11431
  • [549e81bfa1] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) debugger: remove obsolete _debug_agent.js (Rich Trott) #12582
  • [3c3b36af0f] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) deps: upgrade npm beta to 5.0.0-beta.56 (Kat Marchán) #12936
  • [6690415696] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) deps: cherry-pick a927f81c7 from V8 upstream (Anna Henningsen) #11752
  • [60d1aac8d2] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) deps: update V8 to (Michaël Zasso) #12784
  • [b7608ac707] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) deps: cherry-pick node-inspect#43 (Ali Ijaz Sheikh) #11441
  • [9c9e2d7f4a] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) deps: backport 3297130 from upstream V8 (Michaël Zasso) #11752
  • [07088e6fc1] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) deps: backport 39642fa from upstream V8 (Michaël Zasso) #11752
  • [8394b05e20] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) deps: cherry-pick c5c570f from upstream V8 (Michaël Zasso) #11752
  • [fcc58bf0da] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) deps: cherry-pick a927f81c7 from V8 upstream (Anna Henningsen) #11752
  • [83bf2975ec] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) deps: cherry-pick V8 ValueSerializer changes (Anna Henningsen) #11752
  • [c459d8ea5d] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) deps: update V8 to 5.7.492.69 (Michaël Zasso) #11752
  • [7c0c7baff3] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) deps: fix gyp configuration for v8-inspector (Michaël Zasso) #10992
  • [00a2aa0af5] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) deps: fix gyp build configuration for Windows (Michaël Zasso) #10992
  • [b30ec59855] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) deps: switch to v8_inspector in V8 (Ali Ijaz Sheikh) #10992
  • [7a77daf243] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) deps: update V8 to 5.6.326.55 (Michaël Zasso) #10992
  • [c9e5178f3c] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) deps: hide zlib internal symbols (Sam Roberts) #11082
  • [2739185b79] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) deps: update V8 to 5.5.372.40 (Michaël Zasso) #9618
  • [f2e3a670af] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) dgram: convert to using internal/errors (Michael Dawson) #12926
  • [2dc1053b0a] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) dgram: support Uint8Array input to send() (Anna Henningsen) #11985
  • [32679c73c1] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) dgram: improve signature of Socket.prototype.send (Christopher Hiller) #10473
  • [5587ff1ccd] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) dns: handle implicit bind DNS errors (cjihrig) #11036
  • [eb535c5154] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) doc: deprecate vm.runInDebugContext (Josh Gavant) #12243
  • [75c471a026] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) doc: drop PPC BE from supported platforms (Michael Dawson) #12309
  • [86996c5838] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) doc: deprecate private http properties (Brian White) #10941
  • [3d8379ae60] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) doc: improve regarding ECMAScript terms (Joyee Cheung) #11128
  • [d708700c68] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) doc: deprecate buffer's parent property (Sakthipriyan Vairamani (thefourtheye)) #8332
  • [03d440e3ce] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) doc: document buffer.buffer property (Sakthipriyan Vairamani (thefourtheye)) #8332
  • [f0b702555a] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) errors: use lazy assert to avoid issues on startup (James M Snell) #11300
  • [251e5ed8ee] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) errors: assign error code to bootstrap_node created error (James M Snell) #11298
  • [e75bc87d22] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) errors: port internal/process errors to internal/errors (James M Snell) #11294
  • [76327613af] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) errors, child_process: migrate to using internal/errors (James M Snell) #11300
  • [1c834e78ff] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) errors,test: migrating error to internal/errors (larissayvette) #11505
  • [2141d37452] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) events: update and clarify error message (Chris Burkhart) #10387
  • [221b03ad20] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) events, doc: check input in defaultMaxListeners (DavidCai) #11938
  • [eed87b1637] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) fs: (+/-)Infinity and NaN invalid unixtimestamp (Luca Maraschi) #11919
  • [71097744b2] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) fs: more realpath*() optimizations (Brian White) #11665
  • [6a5ab5d550] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) fs: include more fs.stat*() optimizations (Brian White) #11665
  • [1c3df96570] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) fs: replace regexp with function (Brian White) #10789
  • [34c9fc2e4e] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) fs: avoid multiple conversions to string (Brian White) #10789
  • [21b2440176] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) fs: avoid recompilation of closure (Brian White) #10789
  • [7a55e34ef4] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) fs: runtime deprecation for fs.SyncWriteStream (James M Snell) #10467
  • [b1fc7745f2] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) fs: avoid emitting error EBADF for double close (Matteo Collina) #11225
  • [3c2a9361ff] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) fs: remove's string interface (Nikolai Vavilov) #9683
  • [f3cf8e9808] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) fs: do not pass Buffer when toString() fails (Brian White) #9670
  • [85a4e25775] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) http: add type checking for hostname (James M Snell) #12494
  • [90403dd1d0] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) http: should support userland Agent (fengmk2) #11567
  • [d3480776c7] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) http: concatenate outgoing Cookie headers (Brian White) #11259
  • [6b2cef65c9] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) http: append Cookie header values with semicolon (Brian White) #11259
  • [8243ca0e0e] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) http: reuse existing StorageObject (Brian White) #10941
  • [b377034359] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) http: support old private properties and function (Brian White) #10941
  • [940b5303be] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) http: use Symbol for outgoing headers (Brian White) #10941
  • [fb71ba4921] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) http: docs-only deprecation of res.writeHeader() (James M Snell) #11355
  • [a4bb9fdb89] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) http: include provided status code in range error (cjihrig) #11221
  • [fc7025c9c0] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) http: throw an error for unexpected agent values (brad-decker) #10053
  • [176cdc2823] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) http: misc optimizations and style fixes (Brian White) #10558
  • [73d9445782] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) http: try to avoid lowercasing incoming headers (Brian White) #10558
  • [c77ed327d9] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) http: avoid using object for removed header status (Brian White) #10558
  • [c00e4adbb4] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) http: optimize header storage and matching (Brian White) #10558
  • [ec8910bcea] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) http: check statusCode early (Brian White) #10558
  • [a73ab9de0d] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) http: remove pointless use of arguments (cjihrig) #10664
  • [df3978421b] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) http: verify client method is a string (Luca Maraschi) #10111
  • [90476ac6ee] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) lib: remove _debugger.js (Ben Noordhuis) #12495
  • [3209a8ebf3] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) lib: ensure --check flag works for piped-in code (Teddy Katz) #11689
  • [c67207731f] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) lib: simplify Module._resolveLookupPaths (Brian White) #10789
  • [28dc848e70] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) lib: improve method of function calling (Brian White) #10789
  • [a851b868c0] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) lib: remove sources of permanent deopts (Brian White) #10789
  • [62e96096fa] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) lib: more consistent use of module.exports = {} model (James M Snell) #11406
  • [88c3f57cc3] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) lib: refactor internal/socket_list (James M Snell) #11406
  • [f04387e9f2] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) lib: refactor internal/freelist (James M Snell) #11406
  • [d61a511728] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) lib: refactor internal/linkedlist (James M Snell) #11406
  • [2ba4eeadbb] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) lib: remove simd support from util.format() (Ben Noordhuis) #11346
  • [dfdd911e17] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) lib: deprecate node --debug at runtime (Josh Gavant) #10970
  • [5de3cf099c] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) lib: add static identifier codes for all deprecations (James M Snell) #10116
  • [4775942957] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) lib, test: fix server.listen error message (Joyee Cheung) #11693
  • [caf9ae748b] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) lib,src: make constants not inherit from Object (Sakthipriyan Vairamani (thefourtheye)) #10458
  • [e0b076a949] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) lib,src,test: update --debug/debug-brk comments (Ben Noordhuis) #12495
  • [b40dab553f] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) linkedlist: remove unused methods (Brian White) #11726
  • [84a23391f6] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) linkedlist: remove public module (Brian White) #12113
  • [e32425bfcd] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) module: avoid JSON.stringify() for cache key (Brian White) #10789
  • [403b89e72b] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) module: avoid hasOwnProperty() (Brian White) #10789
  • [298a40e04e] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) module: use "clean" objects (Brian White) #10789
  • [cf980b0311] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) net: check and throw on error for getsockname (Daniel Bevenius) #12871
  • [473572ea25] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) os: refactor os structure, add Symbol.toPrimitive (James M Snell) #12654
  • [03e89b3ff2] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) process: add --redirect-warnings command line argument (James M Snell) #10116
  • [5e1f32fd94] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) process: add optional code to warnings + type checking (James M Snell) #10116
  • [a647d82f83] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) process: improve process.hrtime (Joyee Cheung) #10764
  • [4e259b21a3] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) querystring, url: handle repeated sep in search (Daijiro Wachi) #10967
  • [39d9afe279] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) repl: refactor LineParser implementation (Blake Embrey) #6171
  • [3f27f02da0] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) repl: docs-only deprecation of magic mode (Timothy Gu) #11599
  • [b77c89022b] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) repl: remove magic mode semantics (Timothy Gu) #11599
  • [007386ee81] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) repl: remove workaround for function redefinition (Michaël Zasso) #9618
  • [5b63fabfd8] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) src: update NODE_MODULE_VERSION to 55 (Michaël Zasso) #12784
  • [a16b570f8c] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) src: add --pending-deprecation and NODE_PENDING_DEPRECATION (James M Snell) #11968
  • [faa447b256] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) src: allow ArrayBufferView as instance of Buffer (Timothy Gu) #12223
  • [47f8f7462f] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) src: remove support for --debug (Jan Krems) #12197
  • [a5f91ab230] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) src: throw when -c and -e are used simultaneously (Teddy Katz) #11689
  • [8a7db9d4b5] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) src: add --use-bundled-ca --use-openssl-ca check (Daniel Bevenius) #12087
  • [ed12ea371c] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) src: update inspector code to match upstream API (Michaël Zasso) #11752
  • [89d8dc9afd] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) src: update NODE_MODULE_VERSION to 54 (Michaël Zasso) #11752
  • [1125c8a814] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) src: fix typos in node_lttng_provider.h (Benjamin Fleischer) #11723
  • [aae8f683b4] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) src: update NODE_MODULE_VERSION to 53 (Michaël Zasso) #10992
  • [91ab09fe2a] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) src: update NODE_MODULE_VERSION to 52 (Michaël Zasso) #9618
  • [334be0feba] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) src: fix space for module version mismatch error (Yann Pringault) #10606
  • [45c9ca7fd4] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) src: remove redundant spawn/spawnSync type checks (cjihrig) #8312
  • [b374ee8c3d] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) src: add handle check to spawn_sync (cjihrig) #8312
  • [3295a7feba] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) src: allow getting Symbols on process.env (Anna Henningsen) #9631
  • [1aa595e5bd] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) src: throw on process.env symbol usage (cjihrig) #9446
  • [a235ccd168] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) src,test: debug is now an alias for inspect (Ali Ijaz Sheikh) #11441
  • [b6e1d22fa6] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) stream: add destroy and _destroy methods. (Matteo Collina) #12925
  • [f36c970cf3] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) stream: improve multiple callback error message (cjihrig) #12520
  • [202b07f414] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) stream: fix comment for sync flag of ReadableState (Wang Xinyong) #11139
  • [1004b9b4ad] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) stream: remove unused ranOut from ReadableState (Wang Xinyong) #11139
  • [03b9f6fe26] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) stream: avoid instanceof (Brian White) #10558
  • [a3539ae3be] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) stream: use plain objects for write/corked reqs (Brian White) #10558
  • [24ef1e6775] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) string_decoder: align UTF-8 handling with V8 (Brian White) #9618
  • [23fc082409] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) test: remove extra console output from test-os.js (James M Snell) #12654
  • [59c6230861] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) test: cleanup test-child-process-constructor.js (cjihrig) #12348
  • [06c29a66d4] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) test: remove (Rich Trott) #12293
  • [0c539faac3] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) test: add common.getArrayBufferViews(buf) (Timothy Gu) #12223
  • [c5d1851ac4] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) test: drop v5.x-specific code path from simd test (Ben Noordhuis) #11346
  • [c2c6ae52ea] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) test: move test-vm-function-redefinition to parallel (Franziska Hinkelmann) #9618
  • [5b30c4f24d] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) test: refactor test-child-process-spawnsync-maxbuf (cjihrig) #10769
  • [348cc80a3c] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) tls: make rejectUnauthorized default to true (ghaiklor) #5923
  • [a2ae08999b] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) tls: runtime deprecation for tls.createSecurePair() (James M Snell) #11349
  • [d523eb9c40] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) tls: use emitWarning() for dhparam < 2048 bits (James M Snell) #11447
  • [e03a929648] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) tools: update paths (Kat Marchán) #12936
  • [6f202ef857] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) tools: remove lint rule (Rich Trott) #12293
  • [615789b723] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) tools: enable ES2017 syntax support in ESLint (Michaël Zasso) #11210
  • [1b63fa1096] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) tty: remove NODE_TTY_UNSAFE_ASYNC (Jeremiah Senkpiel) #12057
  • [78182458e6] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) url: fix error message of url.format (DavidCai) #11162
  • [c65d55f087] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) url: do not truncate long hostnames (Junshu Okamoto) #9292
  • [3cc3e099be] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) util: show External values explicitly in inspect (Anna Henningsen) #12151
  • [4a5a9445b5] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) util: use [Array] for deeply nested arrays (Anna Henningsen) #12046
  • [5bfd13b81e] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) util: display Symbol keys in inspect by default (Shahar Or) #9726
  • [455e6f1dd8] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) util: throw toJSON errors when formatting %j (Timothy Gu) #11708
  • [ec2f098156] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) util: change sparse arrays inspection format (Alexey Orlenko) #11576
  • [aab0d202f8] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) util: convert inspect.styles and inspect.colors to prototype-less objects (Nemanja Stojanovic) #11624
  • [4151ab398b] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) util: add createClassWrapper to internal/util (James M Snell) #11391
  • [f65aa08b52] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) util: improve inspect for (Async|Generator)Function (Michaël Zasso) #11210
  • [efae43f0ee] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) zlib: fix node crashing on invalid options (Alexey Orlenko) #13098
  • [2ced07ccaf] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) zlib: support all ArrayBufferView types (Timothy Gu) #12223
  • [91383e47fd] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) zlib: support Uint8Array in convenience methods (Timothy Gu) #12001
  • [b514bd231e] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) zlib: use RangeError/TypeError consistently (James M Snell) #11391
  • [8e69f7e385] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) zlib: refactor zlib module (James M Snell) #11391
  • [dd928b04fc] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) zlib: be strict about what strategies are accepted (Rich Trott) #10934

Semver-minor Commits

  • [7e3a3c962f] - (SEMVER-MINOR) async_hooks: initial async_hooks implementation (Trevor Norris) #12892
  • [60a2fe7d47] - (SEMVER-MINOR) async_hooks: implement C++ embedder API (Anna Henningsen) #13142
  • [f1ed19d98f] - (SEMVER-MINOR) async_wrap: use more specific providers (Trevor Norris) #12892
  • [0432c6e91e] - (SEMVER-MINOR) async_wrap: use double, not int64_t, for async id (Trevor Norris) #12892
  • [fe2df3b842] - (SEMVER-MINOR) async_wrap,src: add GetAsyncId() method (Trevor Norris) #12892
  • [6d93508369] - (SEMVER-MINOR) buffer: expose FastBuffer on internal/buffer (Anna Henningsen) #11048
  • [fe5ca3ff27] - (SEMVER-MINOR) child_process: support promisified exec(File) (Anna Henningsen) #12442
  • [f146fe4ed4] - (SEMVER-MINOR) cmd: support dash as stdin alias (Ebrahim Byagowi) #13012
  • [d9f3ec8e09] - (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: use named FunctionTemplate (Trevor Norris) #12892
  • [0e710aada4] - (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: add sign/verify support for RSASSA-PSS (Tobias Nießen) #11705
  • [faf6654ff7] - (SEMVER-MINOR) dns: support promisified lookup(Service) (Anna Henningsen) #12442
  • [5077cde71f] - (SEMVER-MINOR) doc: restructure (James M Snell) #12710
  • [d080ead0f9] - (SEMVER-MINOR) doc: graduate WHATWG URL from Experimental (James M Snell) #12710
  • [c505b8109e] - (SEMVER-MINOR) doc: document URLSearchParams constructor (Timothy Gu) #11060
  • [84dabe8373] - (SEMVER-MINOR) domain: support promises (Anna Henningsen) #12489
  • [fbcb4f50b8] - (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: support util.promisify for (Anna Henningsen) #12442
  • [a7f5c9cb7d] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http: destroy sockets after keepAliveTimeout (Timur Shemsedinov) #2534
  • [3e6f1032a4] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http: add new functions to OutgoingMessage (Brian White) #10805
  • [c7182b9d9c] - (SEMVER-MINOR) inspector: JavaScript bindings for the inspector (Eugene Ostroukhov) #12263
  • [4a7233c178] - (SEMVER-MINOR) lib: implement async_hooks API in core (Trevor Norris) #12892
  • [c68ebe8436] - (SEMVER-MINOR) makefile: add async-hooks to test and test-ci (Trevor Norris) #12892
  • [45139e59f3] - (SEMVER-MINOR) n-api: add napi_get_version (Michael Dawson) #13207
  • [56e881d0b0] - (SEMVER-MINOR) n-api: add support for abi stable module API (Jason Ginchereau) #11975
  • [dd20e68b0f] - (SEMVER-MINOR) process: add optional detail to process emitWarning (James M Snell) #12725
  • [c0bde73f1b] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: implement native changes for async_hooks (Trevor Norris) #12892
  • [e5a25cbc85] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: expose node::AddPromiseHook (Anna Henningsen) #12489
  • [ec53921d2e] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: make AtExit callback's per Environment (Daniel Bevenius) #9163
  • [ba4847e879] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: Node Tracing Controller (misterpoe) #9304
  • [6ff3b03240] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src, inspector: add --inspect-brk option (Josh Gavant) #8979
  • [220186c4a8] - (SEMVER-MINOR) stream: support Uint8Array input to methods (Anna Henningsen) #11608
  • [07c7f198db] - (SEMVER-MINOR) stream: add final method (Calvin Metcalf) #12828
  • [11918c4aed] - (SEMVER-MINOR) stream: fix highWaterMark integer overflow (Tobias Nießen) #12593
  • [c56d6046ec] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test: add AsyncResource addon test (Anna Henningsen) #13142
  • [e3e56f1d71] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test: adding tests for initHooks API (Thorsten Lorenz) #12892
  • [732620cfe9] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test: remove unneeded tests (Trevor Norris) #12892
  • [e965ed16c1] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test: add test for promisify customPromisifyArgs (Gil Tayar) #12442
  • [3ea2301e38] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test: add a bunch of tests from bluebird (Madara Uchiha) #12442
  • [dca08152cb] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test: introduce common.crashOnUnhandledRejection (Anna Henningsen) #12489
  • [e7c51454b0] - (SEMVER-MINOR) timers: add promisify support (Anna Henningsen) #12442
  • [e600fbe576] - (SEMVER-MINOR) tls: accept lookup option for tls.connect() (Fedor Indutny) #12839
  • [c3efe72669] - (SEMVER-MINOR) tls: support Uint8Arrays for protocol list buffers (Anna Henningsen) #11984
  • [29f758731f] - (SEMVER-MINOR) tools: add MDN link for Iterable (Timothy Gu) #11060
  • [4b9d84df51] - (SEMVER-MINOR) tty_wrap: throw when uv_tty_init() returns error (Trevor Norris) #12892
  • [cc48f21c83] - (SEMVER-MINOR) url: extend URLSearchParams constructor (Timothy Gu) #11060
  • [99da8e8e02] - (SEMVER-MINOR) util: add util.promisify() (Anna Henningsen) #12442
  • [059f296050] - (SEMVER-MINOR) util: add internal bindings for promise handling (Anna Henningsen) #12442
  • [1fde98bb4f] - (SEMVER-MINOR) v8: expose new V8 serialization API (Anna Henningsen) #11048
  • [70beef97bd] - (SEMVER-MINOR) v8: add cachedDataVersionTag (Andres Suarez) #11515

Semver-patch commits

  • [276720921b] - addons: remove semicolons from after module definition (Gabriel Schulhof) #12919
  • [f6247a945c] - assert: restore TypeError if no arguments (Rich Trott) #12843
  • [7e5f500c98] - assert: improve deepEqual perf for large input (Anna Henningsen) #12849
  • [3863c3ae66] - async_hooks: rename AsyncEvent to AsyncResource (Anna Henningsen) #13192
  • [e554bb449e] - async_hooks: only set up hooks if used (Anna Henningsen) #13177
  • [6fb27af70a] - async_hooks: add constructor check to async-hooks (Shadowbeetle) #13096
  • [a6023ee0b5] - async_wrap: fix Promises with later enabled hooks (Anna Henningsen) #13242
  • [6bfdeedce5] - async_wrap: add asyncReset to TLSWrap (Refael Ackermann) #13092
  • [4a8ea63b3b] - async_wrap,src: wrap promises directly (Matt Loring) #13242
  • [6e4394fb0b] - async_wrap,src: promise hook integration (Matt Loring) #13000
  • [72429b3981] - benchmark: allow no duration in benchmark tests (Rich Trott) #13110
  • [f2ba06db92] - benchmark: remove redundant timers benchmark (Rich Trott) #13009
  • [3fa5d80eda] - benchmark: chunky http client should exit with 0 (Joyee Cheung) #12916
  • [a82e0e6f36] - benchmark: check for time precision in common.js (Rich Trott) #12934
  • [65d6249979] - benchmark: update an obsolete path (Vse Mozhet Byt) #12904
  • [d8965d5b0e] - benchmark: fix typo in _http-benchmarkers.js (Vse Mozhet Byt) #12455
  • [a3778cb9b1] - benchmark: fix URL in _http-benchmarkers.js (Vse Mozhet Byt) #12455
  • [22aa3d4899] - benchmark: reduce string concatenations (Vse Mozhet Byt) #12455
  • [3e3414f45f] - benchmark: control HTTP benchmarks run time (Joyee Cheung) #12121
  • [a3e71a8901] - benchmark: add test double HTTP benchmarker (Joyee Cheung) #12121
  • [a6e69f8c08] - benchmark: add more options to map-bench (Timothy Gu) #11930
  • [ae8a8691e6] - benchmark: add final clean-up to module-loader.js (Vse Mozhet Byt) #11924
  • [6df23fa39f] - benchmark: fix punycode and get-ciphers benchmark (Bartosz Sosnowski) #11720
  • [75cdc895ec] - benchmark: cleanup after forced optimization drop (Bartosz Sosnowski) #9615
  • [ca86aa5323] - benchmark: remove forced optimization from util (Bartosz Sosnowski) #9615
  • [c5958d20fd] - benchmark: remove forced optimization from url (Bartosz Sosnowski) #9615
  • [ea61ce518b] - benchmark: remove forced optimization from tls (Bartosz Sosnowski) #9615
  • [541119c6ee] - benchmark: remove streams forced optimization (Bartosz Sosnowski) #9615
  • [57b5ce1d8e] - benchmark: remove querystring forced optimization (Bartosz Sosnowski) #9615
  • [eba2c62bb1] - benchmark: remove forced optimization from path (Bartosz Sosnowski) #9615
  • [7587a11adc] - benchmark: remove forced optimization from misc (Bartosz Sosnowski) #9615
  • [ef8cc301fe] - benchmark: remove forced optimization from es (Bartosz Sosnowski) #9615
  • [17c85ffd80] - benchmark: remove forced optimization from crypto (Bartosz Sosnowski) #9615
  • [05ac6e1b01] - benchmark: remove forced optimization from buffer (Bartosz Sosnowski) #9615
  • [6123ed5b25] - benchmark: add USVString conversion benchmark (Timothy Gu) #11436
  • [28ddac2ec2] - buffer: fix indexOf for empty searches (Anna Henningsen) #13024
  • [9d723e85fb] - buffer: remove pointless C++ utility methods (Anna Henningsen) #12760
  • [7cd0d4f644] - buffer: fix backwards incompatibility (Brian White) #12439
  • [3ee4a1a281] - buffer: optimize toString() (Brian White) #12361
  • [4a86803f60] - buffer: optimize from() and byteLength() (Brian White) #12361
  • [00c86cc8e9] - buffer: remove Uint8Array check (Nikolai Vavilov) #11324
  • [fb6cf2f861] - build: xz tarball extreme compression (Peter Dave Hello) #10626
  • [4f4d5d24f4] - build: ignore more VC++ artifacts (Refael Ackermann) #13208
  • [735902f326] - build: support dtrace on ARM (Bradley T. Hughes) #12193
  • [46bd32e7e8] - build: fix openssl link error on windows (Daniel Bevenius) #13078
  • [77dfa2b1da] - build: avoid /docs/api and /docs/doc/api upload (Rod Vagg) #12957
  • [6342988053] - build: clean up napi build in test-addons-clean (Joyee Cheung) #13034
  • [ad7b98baa8] - build: don't print directory for GNUMake (Daniel Bevenius) #13042
  • [80355271c3] - build: simplify if in setting of arg_paths (Refael Ackermann) #12653
  • [4aff0563aa] - build: reduce one level of spawning in node_gyp (Refael Ackermann) #12653
  • [9fd22bc4d4] - build: fix ninja build failure (GYP patch) (Daniel Bevenius) #12484
  • [bb88caec06] - build: fix ninja build failure (Daniel Bevenius) #12484
  • [e488857402] - build: add static option to vcbuild.bat (Tony Rice) #12764
  • [d727d5d2cf] - build: enable cctest to use objects (gyp part) (Daniel Bevenius) #12450
  • [ea44b8b283] - build: disable -O3 for C++ coverage (Anna Henningsen) #12406
  • [baa2602539] - build: add test-gc-clean and test-gc PHONY rules (Joyee Cheung) #12059
  • [c694633328] - build: sort phony rules (Joyee Cheung) #12059
  • [4dde87620a] - build: don't test addons-napi twice (Gibson Fahnestock) #12201
  • [d19809a3c5] - build: avoid passing kill empty input in Makefile (Gibson Fahnestock) #12158
  • [c68da89694] - build: always use V8_ENABLE_CHECKS in debug mode (Anna Henningsen) #12029
  • [7cd6a7ddcb] - build: notify about the redundancy of "nosign" (Nikolai Vavilov) #11119
  • [dd81d539e2] - child_process: fix deoptimizing use of arguments (Vse Mozhet Byt) #11535
  • [dc3bbb45a7] - cluster: remove debug arg handling (Rich Trott) #12738
  • [c969047d62] - console: fixup console.dir() error handling (Anna Henningsen) #11443
  • [9fa148909c] - crypto: update root certificates (Ben Noordhuis) #13279
  • [945916195c] - crypto: return CHECK_OK in VerifyCallback (Daniel Bevenius) #13241
  • [7b97f07340] - crypto: remove root_cert_store from node_crypto.h (Daniel Bevenius) #13194
  • [f06f8365e4] - crypto: remove unnecessary template class (Daniel Bevenius) #12993
  • [6c2daf0ce9] - crypto: throw proper errors if out enc is UTF-16 (Anna Henningsen) #12752
  • [eaa0542eff] - crypto: remove unused C++ parameter in sign/verify (Tobias Nießen) #12397
  • [6083c4dc10] - deps: upgrade npm to 5.0.0 (Kat Marchán) #13276
  • [f204945495] - deps: add example of comparing OpenSSL changes (Daniel Bevenius) #13234
  • [9302f512f8] - deps: cherry-pick 6803eef from V8 upstream (Matt Loring) #13175
  • [2648c8de30] - deps: backport 6d38f89d from upstream V8 (Ali Ijaz Sheikh) #13162
  • [6e1407c3b3] - deps: backport 4fdf9fd4813 from upstream v8 (Jochen Eisinger) #12875
  • [385499ccf8] - deps: backport 4acdb5eec2c from upstream v8 (jbroman) #12875
  • [69161b5f94] - deps: backport 3700a01c82 from upstream v8 (jbroman) #12875
  • [9edd6d8ddb] - deps: backport 2cd2f5feff3 from upstream v8 (Jochen Eisinger) #12875
  • [19c0c07446] - deps: backport de1461b7efd from upstream v8 (addaleax) #12875
  • [95c4b0d8f6] - deps: backport 78867ad8707a016 from v8 upstream (Michael Lippautz) #12875
  • [986e1d2c6f] - deps: cherry-pick f5fad6d from upstream v8 (daniel.bevenius) #12826
  • [e896898dea] - deps: update openssl asm and asm_obsolete files (Shigeki Ohtsu) #12913
  • [f4390650e3] - deps: cherry-pick 4ae5993 from upstream OpenSSL (Shigeki Ohtsu) #12913
  • [5d0a770c12] - deps: ICU 59.1 bump (Steven R. Loomis) #12486
  • [d74a545535] - deps: cherry-pick bfae9db from upstream v8 (Ben Noordhuis) #12722
  • [6ed791c665] - deps: cherry-pick bfae9db from upstream v8 (Ben Noordhuis) #12722
  • [0084260448] - deps: upgrade npm to 4.5.0 (Rebecca Turner) #12480
  • [021719738e] - deps: update node-inspect to v1.11.2 (Jan Krems) #12363
  • [3471d6312d] - deps: cherry-pick 0ba513f05 from V8 upstream (Franziska Hinkelmann) #11712
  • [dd8982dc74] - deps: cherry-pick 09de996 from V8 upstream (Franziska Hinkelmann) #11905
  • [a44aff4770] - deps: cherry-pick 0ba513f05 from V8 upstream (Franziska Hinkelmann) #11712
  • [2b541471db] - dns: fix resolve failed starts without network (XadillaX) #13076
  • [5a948f6f64] - dns: fix crash using dns.setServers after resolve4 (XadillaX) #13050
  • [dd14ab608e] - doc: create list of CTC emeriti (Rich Trott) #13232
  • [40572c5def] - doc: remove Gitter badge from README (Rich Trott) #13231
  • [686dd36930] - doc: fix api docs style (Daijiro Wachi) #13236
  • [0be029ec97] - doc: make spelling of behavior consistent (Michael Dawson) #13245
  • [c0a7c8e0d2] - doc: fix code example in (Vse Mozhet Byt) #13182
  • [cd2824cc93] - doc: make the style of notes consistent (Alexey Orlenko) #13133
  • [d4e9e0f7e4] - doc: add jasongin & kunalspathak to collaborators (Jason Ginchereau) #13200
  • [db90b505e8] - doc: don't use useless constructors in (Vse Mozhet Byt) #13145
  • [2c45e6fd68] - doc: update code example for Windows in (Vse Mozhet Byt) #13138
  • [3c91145f31] - doc: improve formatting of (Alexey Orlenko) #13135
  • [1d587ef982] - doc: fix incorrect keyboard shortcut (Alexey Orlenko) #13134
  • [336d33b646] - doc: fix title/function name mismatch (Michael Dawson) #13123
  • [9f01b34bf9] - doc: link to common docs in test writing guide (Anna Henningsen) #13118
  • [1aa68f9a8d] - doc: list macOS as supporting filename argument (Chris Young) #13111
  • [ef71824740] - doc: edit Error.captureStackTrace html comment (Artur Vieira) #12962
  • [bfade5aacd] - doc: remove unused/duplicated reference links (Daijiro Wachi) #13066
  • [4a7b7e8097] - doc: add reference to node_api.h in docs (Michael Dawson) #13084
  • [3702ae732e] - doc: add additional useful ci job to list (Michael Dawson) #13086
  • [847688018c] - doc: don't suggest setEncoding for binary streams (Rick Bullotta) #11363
  • [eff9252181] - doc: update doc of publicEncrypt method (Faiz Halde) #12947
  • [ab34f9dec2] - doc: update doc to remove usage of "you" (Michael Dawson) #13067
  • [5de722ab6d] - doc: fix links from ToC to subsection for 4.8.x (Frank Lanitz) #13039
  • [92f3b301ab] - doc: document method for reverting commits (Gibson Fahnestock) #13015
  • [1b28022de0] - doc: clarify operation of napi_cancel_async_work (Michael Dawson) #12974
  • [1d5f5aa7e1] - doc: update (morrme) #12555
  • [d7d16f7b8b] - doc: Change options at STEP 5 in (kysnm) #12830
  • [c79deaab82] - doc: update to add ref to supported platforms (Michael Dawson) #12931
  • [abfd4bf9df] - doc: clarify node.js addons are c++ (Beth Griggs) #12898
  • [13487c437c] - doc: add docs for server.address() for pipe case (Flarna) #12907
  • [147048a0d3] - doc: fix broken links in n-api doc (Michael Dawson) #12889
  • [e429f9a42a] - doc: fix typo in (Glenn Schlereth) #12924
  • [ea1b8a5cbc] - doc: sort bottom-of-file markdown links (Sam Roberts) #12726
  • [cbd6fde9a3] - doc: improve path.posix.normalize docs (Steven Lehn) #12700
  • [a398516b4f] - doc: remove test-npm from general build doc (Rich Trott) #12840
  • [4703824276] - doc: fix commit guideline url (Thomas Watson) #12862
  • [2614d247fb] - doc: update readFileSync in (Aditya Anand) #12800
  • [0258aed9d2] - doc: edit for clarity etc. (Rich Trott) #12796
  • [c1b3b95939] - doc: add WHATWG file URLs in fs module (Olivier Martin) #12670
  • [2bf461e6f5] - doc: document vm timeout option perf impact (Anna Henningsen) #12751
  • [d8f8096ec6] - doc: update example in (Vse Mozhet Byt) #12685
  • [deb9622b11] - doc: Add initial documentation for N-API (Michael Dawson) #12549
  • [71911be1de] - doc: clarify arch support for power platforms (Michael Dawson) #12679
  • [71f22c842b] - doc: replace uses of you and other style nits (James M Snell) #12673
  • [35d2137715] - doc: modernize and fix code examples in (Vse Mozhet Byt) #12634
  • [6ee6aaefa1] - doc: add no-var, prefer-const in doc eslintrc (Vse Mozhet Byt) #12563
  • [b4fea2a3d6] - doc: add eslint-plugin-markdown (Vse Mozhet Byt) #12563
  • [e2c3e4727d] - doc: conform to rules for eslint-plugin-markdown (Vse Mozhet Byt) #12563
  • [211813c99c] - doc: unify quotes in an code example (Vse Mozhet Byt) #12505
  • [b4f59a7460] - doc: upgrade Clang requirement to 3.4.2 (Michaël Zasso) #12388
  • [b837bd2792] - doc: fix typo in (Gautam krishna.R) #12434
  • [fe1be39b28] - doc: child_process example for special chars (Cody Deckard)
  • [e72ea0da0b] - doc: modernize and fix code examples in (Vse Mozhet Byt) #12381
  • [c6e0ba31ec] - doc: update OS level support for AIX (Michael Dawson) #12235
  • [6ebc806a47] - doc: correct markdown file line lengths (JR McEntee) #12106
  • [7a5d07c7fb] - doc: change Mac OS X to macOS (JR McEntee) #12106
  • [c79b081367] - doc: fix typo in (Zero King) #12206
  • [ba0e3ac53d] - doc: minor improvements in (Sakthipriyan Vairamani (thefourtheye)) #11963
  • [e40ac30e05] - doc: document extent of crypto Uint8Array support (Anna Henningsen) #11982
  • [ef4768754c] - doc: add supported platforms list (Michael Dawson) #11872
  • [73e2d0bce6] - doc: argument types for crypto methods (Amelia Clarke) #11799
  • [df97727272] - doc: improve on sockets and connections (Joyee Cheung) #11700
  • [3b05153cdc] - doc: various improvements to (Joyee Cheung) #11636
  • [289e53265a] - doc: add missing entry in v6 changelog table (Luigi Pinca) #11534
  • [5da952472b] - doc: document pending semver-major API changes (Anna Henningsen) #11489
  • [52b253677a] - doc: fix sorting in API references (Vse Mozhet Byt) #11331
  • [ca8c30a35c] - doc: update output examples in (Vse Mozhet Byt) #10944
  • [c5a0dcedd3] - doc: fix math error in (Diego Rodríguez Baquero) #11158
  • [93c4820458] - Revert "doc: correct vcbuild options for windows testing" (Gibson Fahnestock) #10839
  • [6d31bdb872] - doc: move Boron releases to LTS column (Anna Henningsen) #10827
  • [f3f2468bdc] - doc: fix table formatting (Сковорода Никита Андреевич) #10743
  • [65e7f62400] - doc: fix heading type for v4.6.2 changelog (Myles Borins) #9515
  • [e1cabf6fbd] - doc, test: add note to response.getHeaders (Refael Ackermann) #12887
  • [42dca99cd7] - doc, tools: add doc linting to CI (Vse Mozhet Byt) #12640
  • [81b9b857aa] - doc,build: update configure help messages (Gibson Fahnestock) #12978
  • [50af2b95e0] - errors: AssertionError moved to internal/error (Faiz Halde) #12906
  • [7b4a72d797] - errors: add space between error name and code (James M Snell) #12099
  • [58066d16d5] - events: remove unreachable code (cjihrig) #12501
  • [ea9eed5643] - freelist: simplify export (James M Snell) #12644
  • [d99b7bc8c9] - fs: fix realpath{Sync} on resolving pipes/sockets (Ebrahim Byagowi) #13028
  • [6f449db60f] - fs: refactor deprecated functions for readability (Rich Trott) #12910
  • [08809f28ad] - fs: simplify constant decls (James M Snell) #12644
  • [2264d9d4ba] - http: improve outgoing string write performance (Brian White) #13013
  • [414f93ecb3] - http: fix IPv6 Host header check (Brian White) #13122
  • [55c95b1644] - http: fix first body chunk fast case for UTF-16 (Anna Henningsen) #12747
  • [e283319969] - http: fix permanent deoptimizations (Brian White) #12456
  • [e0a9ad1af2] - http: avoid retaining unneeded memory (Luigi Pinca) #11926
  • [74c1e02642] - http: replace uses of self (James M Snell) #11594
  • [5425e0dcbe] - http: use more efficient module.exports pattern (James M Snell) #11594
  • [69f3db4571] - http,https: avoid instanceof for WHATWG URL (Brian White) #12983
  • [9ce2271e81] - https: support agent construction without new (cjihrig) #12927
  • [010f864426] - inspector: --debug* deprecation and invalidation (Refael Ackermann) #12949
  • [bb77cce7a1] - inspector: add missing virtual destructor (Eugene Ostroukhov) #13198
  • [39785c7780] - inspector: document bad usage for --inspect-port (Sam Roberts) #12581
  • [77d5e6f8da] - inspector: fix process._debugEnd() for inspector (Eugene Ostroukhov) #12777
  • [7c3a23b9c1] - inspector: handle socket close before close frame (Eugene Ostroukhov) #12937
  • [15e160e626] - inspector: report when main context is destroyed (Eugene Ostroukhov) #12814
  • [3f48ab3042] - inspector: do not add 'inspector' property (Eugene Ostroukhov) #12656
  • [439b35aade] - inspector: remove AgentImpl (Eugene Ostroukhov) #12576
  • [42be835e05] - inspector: fix Coverity defects (Eugene Ostroukhov) #12272
  • [7954d2a4c7] - inspector: use inspector API for "break on start" (Eugene Ostroukhov) #12076
  • [b170fb7c55] - inspector: proper WS URLs when bound to (Eugene Ostroukhov) #11755
  • [54d331895c] - lib: add guard to originalConsole (Daniel Bevenius) #12881
  • [824fb49a70] - lib: remove useless default caught (Jackson Tian) #12884
  • [9077b48271] - lib: refactor internal/util (James M Snell) #11404
  • [cfc8422a68] - lib: use Object.create(null) directly (Timothy Gu) #11930
  • [4eb194a2b1] - lib: Use regex to compare error message (Kunal Pathak) #11854
  • [989713d343] - lib: avoid using forEach (James M Snell) #11582
  • [4d090855c6] - lib: avoid using forEach in LazyTransform (James M Snell) #11582
  • [3becb0206c] - lib,src: improve writev() performance for Buffers (Brian White) #13187
  • [6bcf65d4a7] - lib,test: use regular expression literals (Rich Trott) #12807
  • [dd0624676c] - meta: fix nits in collaborators list (Vse Mozhet Byt) #12866
  • [98e54b0bd4] - meta: restore original copyright header (James M Snell) #10155
  • [ed0716f0e9] - module: refactor internal/module export style (James M Snell) #12644
  • [f97156623a] - module: standardize strip shebang behaviour (Sebastian Van Sande) #12202
  • [a63b245b0a] - n-api: Retain last code when getting error info (Jason Ginchereau) #13087
  • [008301167e] - n-api: remove compiler warning (Anna Henningsen) #13014
  • [2e3fef7628] - n-api: Handle fatal exception in async callback (Jason Ginchereau) #12838
  • [2bbabb1f85] - n-api: napi_get_cb_info should fill array (Jason Ginchereau) #12863
  • [cd32b77567] - n-api: remove unnecessary try-catch bracket from certain APIs (Gabriel Schulhof) #12705
  • [972bfe1514] - n-api: Sync with back-compat changes (Jason Ginchereau) #12674
  • [427125491f] - n-api: Reference and external tests (Jason Ginchereau) #12551
  • [b7a341d7e5] - n-api: Enable scope and ref APIs during exception (Jason Ginchereau) #12524
  • [ba7bac5c37] - n-api: tighten null-checking and clean up last error (Gabriel Schulhof) #12539
  • [468275ac79] - n-api: remove napi_get_value_string_length() (Jason Ginchereau) #12496
  • [46f202690b] - n-api: fix coverity scan report (Michael Dawson) #12365
  • [ad5f987558] - n-api: add string api for latin1 encoding (Sampson Gao) #12368
  • [affe0f2d2a] - n-api: fix -Wmismatched-tags compiler warning (Ben Noordhuis) #12333
  • [9decfb1521] - n-api: implement async helper methods (taylor.woll) #12250
  • [ca786c3734] - n-api: change napi_callback to return napi_value (Taylor Woll) #12248
  • [8fbace163a] - n-api: cache Symbol.hasInstance (Gabriel Schulhof) #12246
  • [84602845c6] - n-api: Update property attrs enum to match JS spec (Jason Ginchereau) #12240
  • [0a5bf4aee3] - n-api: create napi_env as a real structure (Gabriel Schulhof) #12195
  • [4a21e398d6] - n-api: break dep between v8 and napi attributes (Michael Dawson) #12191
  • [afd5966fa9] - napi: initialize and check status properly (Gabriel Schulhof) #12283
  • [491d59da84] - napi: supress invalid coverity leak message (Michael Dawson) #12192
  • [4fabcfc5a2] - Revert "net: remove unnecessary process.nextTick()" (Evan Lucas) #12854
  • [51664fc265] - net: add symbol to normalized connect() args (cjihrig) #13069
  • [212a7a609d] - net: ensure net.connect calls Socket connect (Thomas Watson) #12861
  • [879d6663ea] - net: remove an unused internal module assertPort (Daijiro Wachi) #11812
  • [896be833c8] - node: add missing option to --help output (Ruslan Bekenev) #12763
  • [579ff2a487] - process: refactor internal/process.js export style (James M Snell) #12644
  • [776028c46b] - querystring: improve unescapeBuffer() performance (Jesus Seijas) #12525
  • [c98a8022b7] - querystring: move isHexTable to internal (Timothy Gu) #11858
  • [ff785fd517] - querystring: fix empty pairs and optimize parse() (Brian White) #11234
  • [4c070d4897] - readline: move escape codes into internal/readline (James M Snell) #12755
  • [4ac7a68ccd] - readline: multiple code cleanups (James M Snell) #12755
  • [392a8987c6] - readline: use module.exports = {} on internal/readline (James M Snell) #12755
  • [9318f82937] - readline: use module.exports = {} (James M Snell) #12755
  • [c20e87a10e] - repl: fix /dev/null history file regression (Brian White) #12762
  • [b45abfda5f] - repl: fix permanent deoptimizations (Brian White) #12456
  • [c7b60165a6] - repl: Empty command should be sent to eval function (Jan Krems) #11871
  • [ac2e8820c4] - src: reduce duplicate code in SafeGetenv() (cjihrig) #13220
  • [ec7cbaf266] - src: update NODE_MODULE_VERSION to 57 (Michaël Zasso) #12995
  • [9d922c6c0e] - src: fix InspectorStarted macro guard (Daniel Bevenius) #13167
  • [e7d098cea6] - src: ignore unused warning for (Daniel Bevenius) #13188
  • [145ab052df] - src: add comment for TicketKeyCallback (Anna Henningsen) #13193
  • [b4f6ea06eb] - src: make StreamBase::GetAsyncWrap pure virtual (Anna Henningsen) #13174
  • [4fa2ee16bb] - src: add linux getauxval(AT_SECURE) in SafeGetenv (Daniel Bevenius) #12548
  • [287b11dc8c] - src: allow --tls-cipher-list in NODE_OPTIONS (Sam Roberts) #13172
  • [3ccef8e267] - src: correct endif comment SRC_NODE_API_H__ (Daniel Bevenius) #13190
  • [4cbdac3183] - src: redirect-warnings to file, not path (Sam Roberts) #13120
  • [85e2d56df1] - src: fix typo (Brian White) #13085
  • [1263b70e9e] - src: remove unused parameters (Brian White) #13085
  • [1acd4d2cc4] - src: assert that uv_async_init() succeeds (cjihrig) #13116
  • [f81281737c] - src: remove unnecessary forward declaration (Daniel Bevenius) #13081
  • [60132e83c3] - src: check IsConstructCall in TLSWrap constructor (Daniel Bevenius) #13097
  • [57b9b9d7d6] - src: remove unnecessary return statement (Daniel Bevenius) #13094
  • [94eca79d5d] - src: remove unused node_buffer.h include (Daniel Bevenius) #13095
  • [46e773c5db] - src: check if --icu-data-dir= points to valid dir (Ben Noordhuis)
  • [29d89c9855] - src: split CryptoPemCallback into two functions (Daniel Bevenius) #12827
  • [d6cd466a25] - src: whitelist new options for NODE_OPTIONS (Sam Roberts) #13002
  • [53dae83833] - src: fix --abort_on_uncaught_exception arg parsing (Sam Roberts) #13004
  • [fefab9026b] - src: only call FatalException if not verbose (Daniel Bevenius) #12826
  • [32f01c8c11] - src: remove unused uv.h include in async-wrap.h (Daniel Bevenius) #12973
  • [60f0dc7d42] - src: rename CONNECTION provider to SSLCONNECTION (Daniel Bevenius) #12989
  • [15410797f2] - src: add HAVE_OPENSSL guard to crypto providers (Daniel Bevenius) #12967
  • [9f8e030f1b] - src: add/move hasCrypto checks for async tests (Daniel Bevenius) #12968
  • [b6001a2da5] - src: make SIGPROF message a real warning (cjihrig) #12709
  • [dd6e3f69a7] - src: fix comments re PER_ISOLATE macros (Josh Gavant) #12899
  • [6ade7f3601] - src: update --inspect hint text (Josh Gavant) #11207
  • [d0c968ea57] - src: make root_cert_vector function scoped (Daniel Bevenius) #12788
  • [ebcd8c6bb8] - src: rename CryptoPemCallback -> PasswordCallback (Daniel Bevenius) #12787
  • [d56a7e640f] - src: do proper StringBytes error handling (Anna Henningsen) #12765
  • [9990be2919] - src: turn buffer type-CHECK into exception (Anna Henningsen) #12753
  • [21653b6901] - src: add --napi-modules to whitelist (Michael Dawson) #12733
  • [0f58d3cbef] - src: support domains with empty labels (Daijiro Wachi) #12707
  • [719247ff95] - src: remove debugger dead code (Michaël Zasso) #12621
  • [892ce06dbd] - src: fix incorrect macro comment (Daniel Bevenius) #12688
  • [5bb06e8596] - src: remove GTEST_DONT_DEFINE_ASSERT_EQ in util.h (Daniel Bevenius) #12638
  • [f2282bb812] - src: allow CLI args in env with NODE_OPTIONS (Sam Roberts) #12028
  • [6a1275dfec] - src: add missing "http_parser.h" include (Anna Henningsen) #12464
  • [5ef6000afd] - src: don't call uv_run() after 'exit' event (Ben Noordhuis) #12344
  • [ade80eeb1a] - src: clean up WHATWG WG parser (Timothy Gu) #12251
  • [b2803637e8] - src: replace IsConstructCall functions with lambda (Daniel Bevenius) #12384
  • [9d522225e7] - src: reduce number of exported symbols (Anna Henningsen) #12366
  • [a4125a3c49] - src: remove experimental warning for inspect (Josh Gavant) #12352
  • [8086cb68ae] - src: use option parser for expose_internals (Sam Roberts) #12245
  • [e505c079e0] - src: supply missing comments for CLI options (Sam Roberts) #12245
  • [de168b4b4a] - src: guard bundled_ca/openssl_ca with HAVE_OPENSSL (Daniel Bevenius) #12302
  • [cecdf7c118] - src: use a std::vector for preload_modules (Sam Roberts) #12241
  • [65a6e05da5] - src: only block SIGUSR1 when HAVE_INSPECTOR (Daniel Bevenius) #12266
  • [ebeee853e6] - src: Update trace event macros to V8 5.7 version (Matt Loring) #12127
  • [7c0079f1be] - src: add .FromJust(), fix -Wunused-result warnings (Ben Noordhuis) #12118
  • [4ddd23f0ec] - src: WHATWG URL C++ parser cleanup (Timothy Gu) #11917
  • [d099f8e317] - src: remove explicit UTF-8 validity check in url (Timothy Gu) #11859
  • [e2f151f5b2] - src: make process.env work with symbols in/delete (Timothy Gu) #11709
  • [e1d8899c28] - src: add HAVE_OPENSSL directive to openssl_config (Daniel Bevenius) #11618
  • [a7f7724167] - src: remove misleading flag in TwoByteValue (Timothy Gu) #11436
  • [046f66a554] - src: fix building --without-v8-plartform (Myk Melez) #11088
  • [d317184f97] - src: bump version to v8.0.0 for master (Rod Vagg) #8956
  • [f077e51c92] - src,fs: calculate fs times without truncation (Daniel Pihlstrom) #12607
  • [b8b6c2c262] - stream: emit finish when using writev and cork (Matteo Collina) #13195
  • [c15fe8b78e] - stream: remove dup property (Calvin Metcalf) #13216
  • [87cef63ccb] - stream: fix destroy(err, cb) regression (Matteo Collina) #13156
  • [8914f7b4b7] - stream: improve readable push performance (Brian White) #13113
  • [6993eb0897] - stream: fix y.pipe(x)+y.pipe(x)+y.unpipe(x) (Anna Henningsen) #12746
  • [d6a6bcdc47] - stream: remove unnecessary parameter (Leo) #12767
  • [e2199e0fc2] - streams: refactor BufferList into ES6 class (James M Snell) #12644
  • [ea6941f703] - test: refactor test-fs-assert-encoding-error (Rich Trott) #13226
  • [8d193919fb] - test: replace indexOf with includes (Aditya Anand) #13215
  • [2c5c2bda61] - test: check noop invocation with mustNotCall() (Rich Trott) #13205
  • [d0dbd53eb0] - test: add coverage for socket write after close (cjihrig) #13171
  • [686e753b7e] - test: use common.mustNotCall in test-crypto-random (Rich Trott) #13183
  • [4030aed8ce] - test: skip test-bindings if inspector is disabled (Daniel Bevenius) #13186
  • [a590709909] - test: add coverage for napi_has_named_property (Michael Dawson) #13178
  • [72a319e417] - test: refactor event-emitter-remove-all-listeners (Rich Trott) #13165
  • [c4502728fb] - test: refactor event-emitter-check-listener-leaks (Rich Trott) #13164
  • [597aff0846] - test: cover dgram handle send failures (cjihrig) #13158
  • [5ad4170cd9] - test: cover util.format() format placeholders (cjihrig) #13159
  • [b781fa7b06] - test: add override to ServerDone function (Daniel Bevenius) #13166
  • [a985ed66c4] - test: refactor test-dns (Rich Trott) #13163
  • [7fe5303983] - test: fix disabled test-fs-largefile (Rich Trott) #13147
  • [e012f5a412] - test: move stream2 test from pummel to parallel (Rich Trott) #13146
  • [9100cac146] - test: simplify assert usage in test-stream2-basic (Rich Trott) #13146
  • [cd70a520d2] - test: check noop function invocations (Rich Trott) #13146
  • [110a3b2657] - test: confirm callback is invoked in fs test (Rich Trott) #13132
  • [1da674e2c0] - test: check number of message events (Rich Trott) #13125
  • [4ccfd7cf15] - test: increase n-api constructor coverage (Michael Dawson) #13124
  • [6cfb876d54] - test: add regression test for immediate socket errors (Evan Lucas) #12854
  • [268a39ac2a] - test: add hasCrypto check to async-wrap-GH13045 (Daniel Bevenius) #13141
  • [e6c03c78f7] - test: fix sequential test-net-connect-local-error (Sebastian Plesciuc) #13064
  • [511ee24310] - test: remove common.PORT from dgram test (Artur Vieira) #12944
  • [8a4f3b7dfc] - test: bind to 0 in dgram-send-callback-buffer-length (Artur Vieira) #12943
  • [9fc47de8e6] - test: use dynamic port in test-dgram-send-address-types (Artur Vieira) #13007
  • [8ef4fe0af2] - test: use dynamic port in test-dgram-send-callback-buffer (Artur Vieira) #12942
  • [96925e1b93] - test: replace common.PORT in dgram test (Artur Vieira) #12929
  • [1af8b70c57] - test: allow for absent nobody user in setuid test (Rich Trott) #13112
  • [e29477ab25] - test: shorten test-benchmark-http (Rich Trott) #13109
  • [595e5e3b23] - test: port disabled readline test (Rich Trott) #13091
  • [c60a7fa738] - test: move net reconnect error test to sequential (Artur G Vieira) #13033
  • [525497596a] - test: refactor test-net-GH-5504 (Rich Trott) #13025
  • [658741b9d9] - test: refactor test-https-set-timeout-server (Rich Trott) #13032
  • [fccc0bf6e6] - test: add mustCallAtLeast (Refael Ackermann) #12935
  • [6f216710eb] - test: ignore spurious 'EMFILE' (Refael Ackermann) #12698
  • [6b1819cff5] - test: use dynamic port in test-cluster-dgram-reuse (Artur Vieira) #12901
  • [a593c74f81] - test: refactor test-vm-new-script-new-context (Akshay Iyer) #13035
  • [7e5ed8bad9] - test: track callback invocations (Rich Trott) #13010
  • [47e3d00241] - test: refactor test-dns-regress-6244.js (Rich Trott) #13058
  • [6933419cb9] - test: add hasCrypto to tls-lookup (Daniel Bevenius) #13047
  • [0dd8b9a965] - test: Improve N-API test coverage (Michael Dawson) #13044
  • [5debcceafc] - test: add hasCrypto to tls-wrap-event-emmiter (Daniel Bevenius) #13041
  • [7906ed50fa] - test: add regex check in test-url-parse-invalid-input (Andrei Cioromila) #12879
  • [0c2edd27e6] - test: fixed flaky test-net-connect-local-error (Sebastian Plesciuc) #12964
  • [47c3c58704] - test: improve N-API test coverage (Michael Dawson) #13006
  • [88d2e699d8] - test: remove unneeded string splitting (Vse Mozhet Byt) #12992
  • [72e3dda93c] - test: use mustCall in tls-connect-given-socket (vperezma) #12592
  • [b7bc09fd60] - test: add not-called check to heap-profiler test (Rich Trott) #12985
  • [b5ae22dd1c] - test: add hasCrypto check to https-agent-constructor (Daniel Bevenius) #12987
  • [945f208081] - test: make the rest of tests path-independent (Vse Mozhet Byt) #12972
  • [9516aa19c1] - test: add common.mustCall() to NAPI exception test (Rich Trott) #12959
  • [84fc069b95] - test: move test-dgram-bind-shared-ports to sequential (Rafael Fragoso) #12452
  • [642bd4dd6d] - test: add a simple abort check in windows (Sreepurna Jasti) #12914
  • [56812c81a3] - test: use dynamic port in test-https-connect-address-family (Artur G Vieira) #12915
  • [529e4f206a] - test: make a test path-independent (Vse Mozhet Byt) #12945
  • [631cb42b4e] - test: favor deepStrictEqual over deepEqual (Rich Trott) #12883
  • [654afa2c19] - test: improve n-api array func coverage (Michael Dawson) #12890
  • [bee250c232] - test: dynamic port in cluster disconnect (Sebastian Plesciuc) #12545
  • [6914aeaefd] - test: detect all types of aborts in windows (Gireesh Punathil) #12856
  • [cfe7b34058] - test: use assert regexp in tls no cert test (Artur Vieira) #12891
  • [317180ffe5] - test: fix flaky test-https-client-get-url (Sebastian Plesciuc) #12876
  • [57a08e2f70] - test: remove obsolete lint config comments (Rich Trott) #12868
  • [94eed0fb11] - test: use dynamic port instead of common.PORT (Aditya Anand) #12473
  • [f72376d323] - test: add skipIfInspectorDisabled to debugger-pid (Daniel Bevenius) #12882
  • [771568a5a5] - test: add test for timers benchmarks (Joyee Cheung) #12851
  • [dc4313c620] - test: remove unused testpy code (Rich Trott) #12844
  • [0a734fec88] - test: fix napi test_reference for recent V8 (Michaël Zasso) #12864
  • [42958d1a75] - test: refactor test-querystring (Łukasz Szewczak) #12661
  • [152966dbb5] - test: refactoring test with common.mustCall (weewey) #12702
  • [6058c4349f] - test: refactored test-repl-persistent-history (cool88) #12703
  • [dac9f42a7e] - test: remove common.PORT in test tls ticket cluster (Oscar Martinez) #12715
  • [d37f27a008] - test: expand test coverage of readline (James M Snell) #12755
  • [a710e443a2] - test: complete coverage of buffer (David Cai) #12831
  • [3fd890a06e] - test: add mustCall in timers-unrefed-in-callback (Zahidul Islam) #12594
  • [73d9c0f903] - test: port test for make_callback to n-api (Hitesh Kanwathirtha) #12409
  • [68c933c01e] - test: fix flakyness with yes.exe (Refael Ackermann) #12821
  • [8b76c3e60c] - test: reduce string concatenations (Vse Mozhet Byt) #12735
  • [f1d593cda1] - test: make tests cwd-independent (Vse Mozhet Byt) #12812
  • [94a120cf65] - test: add coverage for error apis (Michael Dawson) #12729
  • [bc05436a89] - test: add regex check in test-vm-is-context (jeyanthinath) #12785
  • [665695fbea] - test: add callback to fs.close() in test-fs-stat (Vse Mozhet Byt) #12804
  • [712596fc45] - test: add callback to fs.close() in test-fs-chmod (Vse Mozhet Byt) #12795
  • [f971916885] - test: fix too optimistic guess in setproctitle (Vse Mozhet Byt) #12792
  • [4677766d21] - test: enable test-debugger-pid (Rich Trott) #12770
  • [ff001c12b0] - test: move WPT to its own testing module (Rich Trott) #12736
  • [b2ab41e5ae] - test: increase readline coverage (Anna Henningsen) #12761
  • [8aca66a1f3] - test: fix warning in n-api reference test (Michael Dawson) #12730
  • [04796ee97f] - test: increase coverage of buffer (David Cai) #12714
  • [133fb0c3b7] - test: minor fixes to test-module-loading.js (Walter Huang) #12728
  • [9f7b54945e] - Revert "test: remove eslint comments" (Joyee Cheung) #12743
  • [10ccf56f89] - test: skipIfInspectorDisabled cluster-inspect-brk (Daniel Bevenius) #12757
  • [0142276977] - test: replace indexOf with includes (gwer) #12604
  • [0324ac686c] - test: add inspect-brk option to cluster module (dave-k) #12503
  • [d5db4d25dc] - test: cleanup handles in test_environment (Anna Henningsen) #12621
  • [427cd293d5] - test: add hasCrypto check to test-cli-node-options (Daniel Bevenius) #12692
  • [0101a8f1a6] - test: add relative path to accommodate limit (coreybeaumont) #12601
  • [b16869c4e4] - test: remove AIX guard in fs-options-immutable (Sakthipriyan Vairamani (thefourtheye)) #12687
  • [a4fd9e5e6d] - test: chdir before running test-cli-node-options (Daniel Bevenius) #12660
  • [d289678352] - test: dynamic port in dgram tests (Sebastian Plesciuc) #12623
  • [28f535a923] - test: fixup test-http-hostname-typechecking (Anna Henningsen) #12627
  • [e927809eec] - test: dynamic port in parallel regress tests (Sebastian Plesciuc) #12639
  • [1d968030d4] - test: add coverage for napi_cancel_async_work (Michael Dawson) #12575
  • [4241577112] - test: test doc'd napi_get_value_int32 behaviour (Michael Dawson) #12633
  • [bda34bde56] - test: remove obsolete lint comment (Rich Trott) #12659
  • [c8c5a528da] - test: make tests pass when built without inspector (Michaël Zasso) #12622
  • [d1d9ecfe6e] - test: support unreleased V8 versions (Michaël Zasso) #12619
  • [75bfdad037] - test: check that pending warning is emitted once (Rich Trott) #12527
  • [5e095f699e] - test: verify listener leak is only emitted once (cjihrig) #12502
  • [4bcbefccce] - test: add coverage for vm's breakOnSigint option (cjihrig) #12512
  • [f3f9dd73aa] - test: skip tests using ca flags (Daniel Bevenius) #12485
  • [86a3ba0c4e] - test: dynamic port in cluster worker wait close (Sebastian Plesciuc) #12466
  • [6c912a8216] - test: fix coverity UNINIT_CTOR cctest warning (Ben Noordhuis) #12387
  • [4fc11998b4] - test: add cwd ENOENT known issue test (cjihrig) #12343
  • [2e5188de92] - test: remove common.PORT from multiple tests (Tarun Batra) #12451
  • [7044065f1a] - test: change == to === in crypto test (Fabio Campinho) #12405
  • [f98db78f77] - test: add internal/fs tests (DavidCai) #12306
  • [3d2181c5f0] - test: run the addon tests last (Sebastian Van Sande) #12062
  • [8bd26d3aea] - test: fix compiler warning in n-api test (Anna Henningsen) #12318
  • [3900cf66a5] - test: remove disabled test-dgram-send-error (Rich Trott) #12330
  • [9de2e159c4] - test: add second argument to assert.throws (Michaël Zasso) #12270
  • [0ec0272e10] - test: improve test coverage for n-api (Michael Dawson) #12327
  • [569f988be7] - test: remove disabled tls_server.js (Rich Trott) #12275
  • [2555780aa6] - test: check curve algorithm is supported (Karl Cheng) #12265
  • [2d3d4ccb98] - test: add http benchmark test (Joyee Cheung) #12121
  • [b03f1f0c01] - test: add basic cctest for base64.h (Alexey Orlenko) #12238
  • [971fe67dce] - test: complete coverage for lib/assert.js (Rich Trott) #12239
  • [65c100ae8b] - test: remove disabled debugger test (Rich Trott) #12199
  • [610ac7d858] - test: increase coverage of internal/socket_list (DavidCai) #12066
  • [2ff107dad7] - test: add case for url.parse throwing a URIError (Lovell Fuller) #12135
  • [5ccaba49f0] - test: add variable arguments support for Argv (Daniel Bevenius) #12166
  • [9348f31c2a] - test: fix test-cli-syntax assertions on windows (Teddy Katz) #12212
  • [53828e8bff] - test: extended test to makeCallback cb type check (Luca Maraschi) #12140
  • [9b05393362] - test: fix V8 test on big-endian machines (Anna Henningsen) #12186
  • [50bfef66f0] - test: synchronize WPT url test data (Daijiro Wachi) #12058
  • [92de91d570] - test: fix truncation of argv (Daniel Bevenius) #12110
  • [51b007aaa7] - test: add cctest for native URL class (James M Snell) #12042
  • [4f2e372716] - test: add common.noop, default for common.mustCall() (James M Snell) #12027
  • [4929d12e99] - test: add internal/socket_list tests (DavidCai) #11989
  • [64d0a73574] - test: minor fixups for REPL eval tests (Anna Henningsen) #11946
  • [6aed32c579] - test: add tests for unixtimestamp generation (Luca Maraschi) #11886
  • [1ff6796083] - test: added net.connect lookup type check (Luca Maraschi) #11873
  • [7b830f4e4a] - test: add more and refactor test cases to net.connect (Joyee Cheung) #11847
  • [474e9d64b5] - test: add more test cases of server.listen option (Joyee Cheung)
  • [78cdd4baa4] - test: include all stdio strings for fork() (Rich Trott) #11783
  • [b98004b79c] - test: add hasCrypto check to tls-legacy-deprecated (Daniel Bevenius) #11747
  • [60c8115f63] - test: clean up comments in test-url-format (Rich Trott) #11679
  • [1402fef098] - test: make tests pass when configured without-ssl (Daniel Bevenius) #11631
  • [acc3a80546] - test: add two test cases for querystring (Daijiro Wachi) #11551
  • [a218fa381f] - test: fix WPT.test()'s error handling (Timothy Gu) #11436
  • [dd2e135560] - test: add two test cases for querystring (Daijiro Wachi) #11481
  • [82ddf96828] - test: turn on WPT tests on empty param pairs (Joyee Cheung) #11369
  • [8bcc122349] - test: improve querystring.parse assertion messages (Brian White) #11234
  • [dd1cf8bb37] - test: refactor test-http-response-statuscode (Rich Trott) #11274
  • [1544d8f04b] - test: improve test-buffer-includes.js (toboid) #11203
  • [f8cdaaa16a] - test: validate error message from buffer.equals (Sebastian Roeder) #11215
  • [901cb8cb5e] - test: increase coverage of buffer (DavidCai) #11122
  • [78545039d6] - test: remove unnecessary eslint-disable max-len (Joyee Cheung) #11049
  • [6af10907a2] - test: add msg validation to test-buffer-compare (Josh Hollandsworth) #10807
  • [775de9cc96] - test: improve module version mismatch error check (cjihrig) #10636
  • [904b66d870] - test: increase coverage of Buffer.transcode (Joyee Cheung) #10437
  • [a180259e42] - test,lib,doc: use function declarations (Rich Trott) #12711
  • [98609fc1c4] - timers: do not use user object call/apply (Rich Trott) #12960
  • [b23d414c7e] - tls: do not wrap net.Socket with StreamWrap (Ruslan Bekenev) #12799
  • [bfa27d22f5] - tools: update certdata.txt (Ben Noordhuis) #13279
  • [feb90d37ff] - tools: relax lint rule for regexps (Rich Trott) #12807
  • [53c88fa411] - tools: remove unused code from (Rich Trott) #12806
  • [595d4ec114] - tools: ignore node_trace.*.log (Daijiro Wachi) #12754
  • [aea7269c45] - tools: require function declarations (Rich Trott) #12711
  • [e7c3f4a97b] - tools: fix gyp to work on MacOSX without XCode (Shigeki Ohtsu) iojs/io.js#1325
  • [a4b9c585b3] - tools: enforce two arguments in assert.throws (Michaël Zasso) #12270
  • [b3f2e3b7e2] - tools: replace custom lint rule (Rich Trott) #12287
  • [8191af5b29] - tools: replace custom new-with-error rule (Rich Trott) #12249
  • [61ebfa8d1f] - tools: add unescaped regexp dot rule to linter (Brian White) #11834
  • [20b18236de] - tools: add rule prefering common.mustNotCall() (James M Snell) #12027
  • [096508dfa9] - tools,lib: enable strict equality lint rule (Rich Trott) #12446
  • [70cdfc5eb1] - url: expose WHATWG url.origin as ASCII (Timothy Gu) #13126
  • [06a617aa21] - url: update IDNA error conditions (Rajaram Gaunker) #12966
  • [841bb4c61f] - url: fix C0 control and whitespace handling (Timothy Gu) #12846
  • [943dd5f9ed] - url: handle windows drive letter in the file state (Daijiro Wachi) #12808
  • [8491c705b1] - url: fix permanent deoptimizations (Brian White) #12456
  • [97ec72b76d] - url: refactor binding imports in internal/url (James M Snell) #12717
  • [b331ba6ca9] - url: move to module.exports = {} pattern (James M Snell) #12717
  • [d457a986a0] - url: port WHATWG URL API to internal/errors (Timothy Gu) #12574
  • [061c5da010] - url: use internal/util's getConstructorOf (Timothy Gu) #12526
  • [2841f478e4] - url: improve WHATWG URL inspection (Timothy Gu) #12253
  • [aff5cc92b9] - url: clean up WHATWG URL origin generation (Timothy Gu) #12252
  • [1b99d8ffe9] - url: disallow invalid IPv4 in IPv6 parser (Daijiro Wachi) #12315
  • [eb0492d51e] - url: remove javascript URL special case (Daijiro Wachi) #12331
  • [b470a85f07] - url: trim leading slashes of file URL paths (Daijiro Wachi) #12203
  • [b76a350a19] - url: avoid instanceof for WHATWG URL (Brian White) #11690
  • [c4469c49ec] - url: error when domainTo*() is called w/o argument (Timothy Gu) #12134
  • [f8f46f9917] - url: change path parsing for non-special URLs (Daijiro Wachi) #12058
  • [7139b93a8b] - url: add ToObject method to native URL class (James M Snell) #12056
  • [14a91957f8] - url: use a class for WHATWG url[context] (Timothy Gu) #11930
  • [c515a985ea] - url: spec-compliant URLSearchParams parser (Timothy Gu) #11858
  • [d77a7588cf] - url: spec-compliant URLSearchParams serializer (Timothy Gu) #11626
  • [99b27ce99a] - url: prioritize toString when stringifying (Timothy Gu) #11737
  • [b610a4db1c] - url: enforce valid UTF-8 in WHATWG parser (Timothy Gu) #11436
  • [147d2a6419] - url, test: break up test-url.js (Joyee Cheung) #11049
  • [ef16319eff] - util: fixup internal util exports (James M Snell) #12998
  • [d5925af8d7] - util: fix permanent deoptimizations (Brian White) #12456
  • [3c0dd45c88] - util: move getConstructorOf() to internal (Timothy Gu) #12526
  • [a37273c1e4] - util: use V8 C++ API for inspecting Promises (Timothy Gu) #12254
  • [c8be718749] - v8: backport pieces from 18a26cfe174 from upstream v8 (Peter Marshall) #13217
  • [cfdcd6cf33] - v8: backport 43791ce02c8 from upstream v8 (kozyatinskiy) #13217
  • [1061e43739] - v8: backport faf5f52627c from upstream v8 (Peter Marshall) #13217
  • [a56f9698cb] - v8: backport 4f82f1d948c from upstream v8 (hpayer) #13217
  • [13a961e9dc] - v8: backport 4f82f1d948c from upstream v8 (hpayer) #13217
  • [188630b84c] - v8: backport a9e56f4f36d from upstream v8 (Peter Marshall) #13217
  • [0f3bfaf530] - v8: backport bd59e7452be from upstream v8 (Michael Achenbach) #13217
  • [6d5ca4feb0] - v8: backport pieces of dab18fb0bbcdd (Anna Henningsen) #12875
  • [62eaa2a186] - v8: do not test v8 with -Werror (Anna Henningsen) #12875
  • [f118f7ae90] - v8: backport header diff from 2e4a68733803 (Anna Henningsen) #12875
  • [a947cf9a03] - v8: backport header diff from 94283dcf4459f (Anna Henningsen) #12875
  • [1bb880b595] - v8: backport pieces of bf463c4dc0 and dc662e5b74 (Anna Henningsen) #12875
  • [04e646be52] - v8: backport header diff from da5b745dba387 (Anna Henningsen) #12875
  • [39834bc441] - v8: backport pieces of 6226576efa82ee (Anna Henningsen) #12875
  • [25430fd247] - v8: backport pieces from 99743ad460e (Anna Henningsen) #12875
  • [0f3e69db41] - v8: fix gcc 7 build errors (Zuzana Svetlikova) #12676
  • [b07e1a828c] - v8: fix gcc 7 build errors (Zuzana Svetlikova) #12676
  • [1052383f7c] - v8: refactor struture of v8 module (James M Snell) #12681
  • [33a19b46ca] - v8: fix offsets for TypedArray deserialization (Anna Henningsen) #12143
  • [6b25c75cda] - vm: fix race condition with timeout param (Marcel Laverdet) #13074
  • [191bb5a358] - vm: fix displayErrors in runIn.. functions (Marcel Laverdet) #13074
  • [1c93e8c94b] - win: make buildable on VS2017 (Refael Ackermann) #11852
  • [ea01cd7adb] - zlib: remove unused declaration (Anna Henningsen) #12432

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88f566489a5aaeed787bbe52c80ecd4c8bc4c31d7333bfdbbded35b4287aae47  win-x86/node_pdb.7z
d83a9dfd290509f4a5846fd714c1496965cec6e8c5f58a59564f44e6530099f5  win-x86/

